Written by: Sierra Tamminen BSc, MD, CCFP
I’ve recently spent a lot more time at home and focusing on wellness because I had a complicated foot injury that had me sitting on the couch for a while! For June’s tip, I thought I would share what I’ve been doing to work on wellness, and I’m hoping it will spark some motivation for you to try something new or different this season:
- Try the 2022 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge (or a portion of it!) to push you out of your reading comforts – I’m trying to complete it with lots of graphic novels, which are totally new to me and perfect for a quick read!
- Learn how to play a new instrument – I’m learning the acoustic guitar using Fender Play online, and it’s awesome!
- Learn a new skill – I’m learning to knit (or trying to), it’s harder than it looks!
- Take a course on something new, or a previous passion – I’m hoping to join a drawing or painting class this fall.
- I’ve started to work on digitizing my family’s old home videos and photos. It’s been fun to spend some time going through old memories and learning about my family history.
- And what would a wellness tip be without the outdoors? I’m working on my tiny garden and planning to spend as much time outdoors as I can this summer!
Have you tried anything new lately? What are your wellness tips for your colleagues?
Did you know that the FFYFP Committee is launching a Summer Wellness Challenge for all ACFP members? Read more about it here!