Research Opportunities
Get Involved and Participate in Family Medicine Research
Strengthening Research in Family Medicine
The Alberta College of Family Physicians (ACFP) supports our family medicine researchers and practice-based research networks (PBRNs) through highlighting in-progress research projects that are well-grounded in family medicine practice, and have demonstrated substantial input from family physicians at the earliest stages of the research project development.
The following opportunities below have been reviewed first by staff and then peer reviewed by ACFP members who have deemed them to be of interest or relevant to members and/or family medicine or primary health care research.
It is by no means an endorsement by the ACFP but an acknowledgement that the inclusion of the posting is reasonable to share with members.
Read about the current research projects you can participate in.
Community Pharmacists’ Provision of Comprehensive COPD Care: A Cross-Sectional Study in Alberta
End Date: October 1, 2024 Website/Link: You are invited to share your perspectives on COPD care in Alberta! We are seeking General Practitioners, Respirologists,
One:carepath Implementation – Kidney Management Pathway
University of Alberta Project Title: One:carepath Implementation: Implementation and Evaluation of an Innovative Integrated Conservative (Non-Dialysis) Kidney Management Pathway by Community Care Providers across Alberta,
CFPC members who have obtained specialized skills in research, and the investment they make to share their expertise, experience and time to lead research projects create the evidence that forms the foundation of family medicine.
Collaborate and contribute to discussions on family medicine research ideas on our online research community. Share information on funding opportunities available
Get Involved
Learn about what your colleagues are doing. Participate in research projects that are well-grounded in family practice and primary care. Contribute to practice-based research networks (PBRNs).
The ACFP collects and shares information on research projects that are well-grounded in, and relevant to, family medicine and primary care, and works to highlight the value of research conducted ‘with’ family physicians’ practice within their communities.