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Volunteer With the ACFP

Get Engaged. Make a Difference.

Nothing About You Without You

The ACFP prides itself on the work it does—the programs and services it offers its members and the advocacy efforts it employs. All of this success can be attributed to the dedication and commitment of our volunteer members. Be it taking in a shadowing student during the summer or sitting on a planning committee, none of our work is possible without our members who step up and inform and advise our staff on programming.

Join Our Board

As a Board member, you will act in a position of trust for the community, be responsible for the effective governance of the organization, and be accountable to the ACFP membership. Learn more about our Board.

Currently Accepting Nominations

To apply, submit a PDF copy of your CV, a 250-word letter of interest (LOI) detailing your experience and the reason for your application and a completed nomination form.

Join a Committee

You can see the immediate impact of your expertise and guidance by joining a committee. Our staff work very closely with you to advance the strategic vision of the Board. There are eight committees to choose from. Visit the Committee page to learn more about them.

Current Committee Opportunities

Volunteer for Our Student Programs

We know that the more exposure a medical student has to family medicine practice, the more likely they are to choose family medicine as a first-choice specialty.

The ACFP offers a number of programs that provides students opportunities to learn more about what a career in family medicine has to offer including  the shadowing program, student info sessions, and clinical skills nights. Contact to be added to our volunteer list.

Other Ways You Can Stay Connected

If you do not have time to volunteer on a committee, there are other ways to stay connected. Make sure you are receiving our email communications. If you’re not, email

Do you have a story to share? Consider submitting a blog post or being a guest on our podcast series, the more stories we can share the stronger the connection we make for our community.


Join Our Online Community

ACFP Networks aims to provide safe and secure networking spaces for not only ACFP members, but all primary care providers to connect, share, and support one another while advancing best practices.