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President’s Message – September 2024

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These are challenging times for family physicians in Alberta. We are beyond a crisis point for comprehensive care family medicine, and there is a great deal of stress and uncertainty as a result. We support our colleagues in the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) in their efforts to secure a fair and stable compensation model for family doctors.

While the AMA continues their crucial advocacy work, the ACFP is working tirelessly to find additional ways to lighten the burden on family physicians. We met with the Minister of Health this week to discuss the ways the ACFP, as the voice of family physicians in Alberta, can and should be more involved in reimagining a fully integrated health system. We spoke to the importance of including family physicians in every step of the process, and requested that the ACFP be involved in the new Seamless Patient Experience Review. Our goal is to ensure that primary care is built as the foundation of the system, and that all the pillars of this new system have a strong presence from family physicians.

We are also finalizing the details for our upcoming Team-Based Care Alberta Forum, and are looking forward to robust conversations and an opportunity to connect with our colleagues in other professions to work toward our common goal of creating a supportive, effective, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable health care system in this province. I look forward to sharing an update on our progress after the Forum.

At times like this it is understandable to feel alone and uncertain. It is a difficult time to focus on your work and to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I encourage you to reach out to your colleagues or connect with us here at the ACFP and remember that you are not alone, and that your commitment is deeply appreciated by all of us. Take some time to do something that brings you joy, whether that’s a walk to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage, time with your friends and family, or trying out that new recipe you’ve been saving.  Thank you for all that you do, and for your support of the ACFP’s work.


Noel DaCunha, MBBS, CCFP
Alberta College of Family Physicians

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