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President’s Message – August 2024

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ACFP Needs Someone Like You!

I hope you have had the chance this summer to enjoy time with family and friends or escape to the great outdoors. As we move closer to fall, you can expect to see another great line up of ACFP programs and activities. The ACFP takes great pride in working with its members to guide the direction and content of its programs and services.

You, too, can be part of the ACFP team by volunteering as a committee member. Over the past few months, our committees have been restructured to optimize volunteer time, collaboration, efficiency, and collective impact. We took four committees and created two:

  • Member Engagement and Recognition Committee (MERC) to streamline efforts in the delivery of effective communication, a stronger recognition program (formerly the Member Advisory Committee and the Awards and Recognition Committee)
  • Education Committee (EC) that is focused on planning and delivering high-quality educational initiatives (formerly the CPD Advisory Committee and the Virtual Education Committee)

My Volunteer Journey

Personally, I have been volunteering with the ACFP Board and committees for the last seven years. While I had been active in other medical and community organizations over the years, the thought of working with the ACFP presented a meaningful chance to create a positive change at the provincial governance level. As a busy rural family physician providing comprehensive care, I had not deeply considered where I best fit. That all changed when someone from the ACFP Board reached out to me directly and asked me to join the team. Since then, I have been able to get involved in system level advocacy and contributed as a leader to our wider family medicine community. I have already learned so much, built some lasting relationships, and I am having a lot of fun while doing so.

What I Value About the ACFP

I greatly value the ACFP for its clear vision and strategic plan which emphasizes the role of family physicians as the anchor of our primary health care system. Promoting these concepts and advocating for our members is a challenge that I have enjoyed, in large part due to the leadership and collegiality of the ACFP Board of Directors, Medical Student Liaisons, Family Medicine Resident Liaisons, and because of our truly amazing support staff.

Over the last few years, I feel humbled to have been provided with a chance to lead and advocate for our members. I have gained firsthand experience meeting with the government and other provincial health care agencies dealing with challenges and working to achieve positive transformation within the health care system. I appreciate being at tables where there are diverse opinions on how to achieve common goals and finding ways to move forward collaboratively.

Milestones and Memories

Apart from engaging in the ongoing functions of the ACFP through leadership, advocacy, continuous professional development and research, I have had some memorable moments while volunteering with the ACFP. A couple of activities that stand out are our involvement in the Primary Health Care Opioid Response Initiative (PHC ORI) five years ago and our contributions to Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) planning and implementation at a particularly challenging period for family physicians.

I also served two three-year terms with the Awards and Recognition Committee (now part of the MERC), carefully reviewing nominations for the annual ACFP Awards. It was an honour to work together with like-minded people who are dedicated to celebrating our outstanding peers in family practice, the next generation of leaders in our learners, and the innovative family practice clinics focused on patient-centred care.

Why You Should Join Our Operational Committees

If you want an enriching opportunity and want to make an impact on our profession and the health care system, please consider joining an ACFP committee.

I truly believe that the progress and success of our work is only possible through the dedication, passion, and commitment of members like you. When you contribute your ideas, time, and efforts to inform our programs, services, and advocacy efforts, we can and will continue to make amazing things happen.

To learn more about applying for ACFP committees, visit: If you have any questions, contact us at

Thank you and have a great week ahead!


Noel DaCunha, MBBS, CCFP
Alberta College of Family Physicians

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